Our Team

Experienced. Humble. Skeptical.

Diversity of experience. Unity of purpose.

Meet the team built to guide your investments, offer you unbiased advice, and bring intellectual rigor, analytical depth, and a wealth of humble experience to every decision you make.

Joseph Taiber, CFA

Managing Partner

Phil Kosmala, CFA

Managing Partner

Matthew Terrien, CFA

Managing Director

Christopher Horvath

Managing Director

Jared Jollensten

Managing Director

Aimee Jeffers

Executive Vice President

Dan Pazar, CFA

Executive Vice President

Mark Knipfer

Executive Vice President

Ian Acosta, CFA

Vice President

Matthew Mauser

Vice President

B.J. Grifhorst

Vice President

Lauran Detterline

Vice President

Michael Andryca

Vice President

Tommy Conlon


Juan Albizu


Charlie Sandoval

Vice President

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